Word of Life for Schools, Parishes, Organizations

Word of Life is designed to provide an effective tool kit for DREs, principals, and teachers to both catechize and evangelize students and families. The materials engage students and teachers of all ages and experience levels.
Grades K-8
Parish Edition and Catholic School Edition
Fully bilingual English/Spanish Parish Edition
Print and digital Teacher and Parish Catechist Manuals
Print and digital Student Textbooks
Engaging Video and Digital Media Enhancements
Numerous lesson enhancement videos for every lesson for use in the classroom or at home
Multilevel Online Teacher and Catechist Formation and Certification Courses
Multilevel parent formation
Teacher-to-student virtual catechist videos

Student Printed Text

The Word of Life Student Text makes learning the faith effective, engaging, and fun with Bible stories, contemporary children’s stories, lives of the saints, and activities for a variety of learning styles.

The text consists of core lessons, as well as four liturgical season lessons. Images used in each chapter range from photographs depicting a real-life situation, contemporary art depicting a Bible narrative, and sacred art that depicts an event in salvation history to draw students into the mysteries of Christ, leading them to understand doctrinal elements of the faith more fully.

Every chapter has a page for parents that provides a brief summary of what the child learned in class and a variety of ways to live the faith in daily life.

Print Student Textbook Samples

Print Text
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Digital Student Text

Word of Life offers dynamic digital student textbooks with multiple online interactions and links to a wide variety of video resources.

Digital Student Textbook Samples

Tour of a Church Interaction

See Also:

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Teacher Manual

The School Teacher Manuals are written for teacher of all levels of formation. Using the ecclesial method, the detailed lesson plans equip teachers with an engaging presentation of the materials with little preparation required. Each lesson is written to help the teacher encourage dialogue that draws students into the lessons, where they not only learn facts about the faith but also know the why of the faith and how to live it out.

The School Teacher Manual brings together rich doctrinal presentation with effective pedagogy and methodology that will form and inform the teachers as they present the lessons.


Teacher Manual
Digital School
Teacher Manual


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Engaging Video and Digital Media Enhancements

Word of Life uses a variety of approaches to reach visual and auditory learners, helping students more deeply engage in the content.

Videos and digital resources for use in the classroom or in the home

  • Lesson enhancement videos to reinforce main concepts of each chapter.
  • Lectio divina videos to guide and engage students in prayerful reflection.
  • Sacred Art videos to reflect on the mysteries of the faith through art.
  • Prayers to Know videos to teach the students basic Catholic prayers.
  • Teacher Doodles provide graphic depictions to help teachers explain different elements of the faith in ways that students can easily understand.

Multilevel Online Teacher & Catechist Formation

Word of Life Catechist Formation Course

The Word of Life Basic Catechist Formation equips teachers and catechists with a basic knowledge of the faith and an understanding of the key catechetical themes in Word of Life to help them to be effective in handing on the faith.  
  • Full series of videos from Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained from the Augustine Institute which leverages the most engaging and relevant formation content available.
  • Catechist method courses taught by nationally-known teachers and catechists. Centered around the Five Tasks of Catechesis to ensure a complete and thorough formation in the Catholic Faith.
  • Facilitated through an engaging and easy to use online educational platform.
  • Online quizzes to track learning progress and assessment. Online tracking for administrators to access each.

Parent and Family Faith Formation

Word of Life includes built-in parent and family faith formation that supports parents in their important role as primary catechists of their children. Using both print and electronic media resources, Word of Life engages and enriches parents at varying levels of interest, knowledge, and formation.  

Parent Resources for Children and Adults

The online Word of Life parent resources are designed to equip parents to be primary catechists of children and encouraging personal growth in knowledge and faith.  


Lesson Enhancement Video


Family Faith Formation


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Family Faith Formation

  • Access to the Augustine Institute and Ignatius Press library of video resources for families and adult faith formation.
  • Turnkey adult faith formation programs developed by Augustine Institute and Ignatius Press such as The Search, Symbolon, Footprints of God, and many more.


Symbolon Sample


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